January – March 2024



In This Issue, We Present:

2024 WTB Day engagement makes a history.

  • Action Africa engages AU and Head of States
  • Diffusing TB in media
  • Tanzania STP adding Value to MoH case detection
Health Promotion at International Scene.
  •           Action Africa regional strategic meeting
  •        HDT host East Africa TCI team

Building Community Resilience for Health

  • Njoo Tusemezane
  • Caring the Career 


Health Promotion Community      14,412 

Completed Referrals                          733

Health Promotion Schools               1,365

Community Score Card                      181 



Action Africa engages Africa Union and head of states to prioritize TB

For the first time, Action Africa partners came together to release press statement urging African Union leaders, African Head of State, regional bodies to prioritize UNHLM_TB targets for 2023. Speaking at the conference in Dar Es Salaam ahead of the day Action Africa Chair Dr.Peter Bujari said;


1.   We urge African heads of states to take tangible actions by prioritizing TB and integrating the commitments of the UN HLM 2023 into national plans and budgets.

2.   We request Head of states and head of governments to prioritize TB by developing road map and indicators to monitor country progress toward eliminating tuberculosis by 2030 within the African Union.

3.   We emphasize the imperative need for donors, including the World Bank and the Global Fund, USAID, CDC, to intensify resources dedicated to ending tuberculosis by 2030.


Statement issued on behalf of Health Promotion Tanzania, KANCO – Kenya, WACI Health- South Africa, ASAPSU- Ivory Coast and CITAM Plus Zambia

Action Africa Press Conference


Adding Value to Ministry of Health WTB Commemoration

This year World TB commemoration the effort was to increase case detection and this was done throughout the month of March. The STP Secretariat and its members envisaged to position itself to add value to Government Plan. The focus was on:

  • Undertook the Meza Huru on ITV and Medical Doctor Session on Radio One and other community TVs, Radio and social media on TB.
  • Mapped TB hotspots in Melerani mining sites in Arusha region as a prototype to identify and train TB Seeds from among KVP groups, for sensitizing their fellow KVPs for TB screening and testing.
  • Mobilized TB IPs to work with R/DTLCs at regional and District levels on TB Sensitization and increase screening and Active Case Findings
  • Social Media engagement for TB sensitization and advocating for High-level leaders’ commitments in the fight against TB.



School Children carrying TB banners which were developed by Tanzania STP during the commemoration for WTBD as part of sensitizing TB at school.

The Challenge Initiative Eastern Africa team visits Health Promotion Tanzania


TCI delivers lasting impact through its business unusual model, which includes the Demand-driven, Local ownership and system readiness, Right-fitting proven interventions, and coaching and TCI University. TCI project is implemented in Tanzania by Jhpiego and HDT has been a local implementer. As part of exploring future work and partnership, HDT hosted Dr. Njau, Ms. Vannesa from regional office in Nairobi. Locally the team was escorted by Madam Rose Mzava who is the project lead and Mary Joseph who is the project coordinator.

TCI team meeting with HDT Executive Director during their visit to HDT Head office Dar es Salaam

Diffusing TB In Media    

To increase TB visibility in media; Stop TB Secretariat worked with Ministry of Health to build capacity of 15 News Editors and other journalist on where the shoe pinches on TB. This aimed to ensure that when they are editing the news related to TB, they are well informed not only to allow news to flow, but ensuring accuracy of information too. During the training News editors agreed to create and share TB stories, setting sustainable strategies for continual TB sensitization in their media throughout the year to ensure that right information about TB is reaching communities.

News editors listening careful from Facilitator on TB sensitization strategies during and after WTBD 2024


Later last year in 2023, Dr. Peter Bujari was elected to be chair of Action Africa. Action Africa comprises of members from South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Ivory Coast. Members are KANCO – Kenya, WACI Health – South Africa, Citium Plus – Zambia, Health Promotion Tanzania and ASPSU – Ivory Coast. This year alongside Gfan Africa meeting, Action Africa held its first strategy meeting in Nairobi on 28th and 29th February 2024. Action Africa priorities agreed were;

  • Health and Climate Change – Nutrition; Food System; Health Data Governance.
  • Social Participation-Policy; Communities; Funding.
  • Regional Manufacturing.
  • Engagement in Human Capital
  • Global health Institutions: The Global Fund, GAVI, GFF
Action Africa Partners

GFF provides financial resources to Population Action International (PAI) to support Civil Society Organization and Youth Lead Organization to engage in country process to increase impact and accountability. Global Civil Society Organization hosted by PAI earlier this year elected its first Independent Advisory Board and Dr. Peter Bujari from Health Promotion Tanzania and Ms. Israela Ekena from DRC to co-chair the IAB.


Njoo Tusemezane

Re-building Family Cohesion in the time of globalization and technology has been challenging. Parents used to speak to children as a family during an evening gathering to tell stories and understand each other. This was replaced by TVs, social media and smart phone. Particularly for girl child and children Living with HIV, this opportunity to speak to their parents or guardian is limited. With support of USAID Afya Yangu Northen project, Human Centered Approach has provided a solution to this. A series of card with questions are read during a family gathering and by each member responding to the question, family cohesion is built. The results of this in the field has been amazing.

HCP - Makole Hospital

Caring The Career

Evidence has it that there is a direct correlation between Health care providers wellness and quality of service they provide. But often health care providers are less cared, but expected to provide optimal empathetic services. Medical practitioners approached their job with great passion to impact positively communities, and as a result they are under stress, but less is done to support them. This state of affairs disrupts their way of working and limit their ability to provide empathetic services. To address this USAID Afya Yangu applied Human Centered Design to develop solution called HISIA ZETU to help health care workers to identify type of emotion they have and how to deal with them. The testing of this solution among health care providers in Manyara and Dodoma was amazing and as such it has been approved by Ministry of Health for use.


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