Improve the quality of health-care services, with a focus on reproductive, maternal, newborn, children and adolescent health in all regions: leaving no one behind
The 2022 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey indicated a drop from 556 maternal deaths in every 100,000 live births in 2015/16 to 104 in 2022. This reduction has come at an average annual rate of 80 percent from 20215 to 2023. Infant mortality has reduced significantly from 43 per 1,000 live births in the 2015/16 TDHS to 33 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2022, although neonatal mortality has decreased at the slowest rate, from 25 per 1,000 live births in 20215/16 to 24 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2022. Despite recent progress, Tanzania is on pace to fulfill the SDG target for maternal health. The interventions for maternal health are well known: family planning, skilled health professionals, easily accessible health facilities, and effective referral networks.
This brief aims to provide information on the status of the RMNCAH program indicators as per July – September 2023 data in achieving 2023 national targets for major HSSP V and One Plan III indicators in all regions of the country. The indicators evaluated include family planning, antenatal care, and institutional deliveries. When compared to the annual target and TDHS 2022 data, July to September 2023 performance is good in all indicators, as Figure 1 below illustrates.
Figure 1: Tanzania July to September 2023 Indicator performance against Annual Target and TDHS 2022 Data
Generally, indicators from FP program have shown steady increase or maintaining previous performance, with increase of users of modern contraception as well as increased coverage, and increased number of new FP acceptors. Similarly, the high impact indicators of PPFP, permanent, and long-term methods have shown steady increase. Despite the improvement, several regions, such as Singida, Mbeya, Ruvuma, Kagera, Lindi, Mtwara, and Songwe, continue to perform below the annual target.
Figure 2: Percentage of Family Planning New Clients per Regions (July-September 2023)
The highest ANC first visit coverage before 12 weeks attendance was in Kigoma (66%), Kilimanjaro (65%), and Rukwa (62%), while the lowest was in Tabora (25%), Tanga (27%), and Lindi (29%). More work needs to be done in the regions that are performing below the national targets.
Figure 3: ANC First Visits Coverage before 12 weeks per regions (July -September 2023)
Iringa, Njombe, Tanga, Arusha, Dar es Salaam, and Manyara have the lowest institutional delivery coverage below the target line.
Figure 4: Institution Delivery Coverage per Regions (July-Sep 2023)
RECOMMENDED ACTIONS • The Ministry of Health (MoH) and the President’s Omce Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) to contact regions with the lowest performance to identify the factors impeding improvement and develop an action plan. • Disseminate county-specific data on a timely basis so that Implementing Partners (IPs) can prioritize and focus attention on regions with the lowest performance below the target line. • There is high heed of using DHIS-2 data to evaluate ongoing development projects. |
Health Promotion Tanzania
Afya Road. 137 Afya House, Kisota- Kigamboni Municipal P.O. Box 65147, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
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Health Promotion Tanzania(HDT) is a local NGO affiliated with Action Global Health Partnership. We focus on Disease of poverty i.e. TB, HIV and all issues that affect RNCAH+N
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