A Group Photo with PAI President (Madam Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins) during her visit at HDT HQ April 2024
National Nutrition Day - October 2023
HDT Staff Retreat - January 2024
When HDT team visited Ilemela Municipal Council - December 2023
JHPIEGO and HDT teams during TCI Introductory Meeting with RMO and members of CHMT - Ilemela Mwanza

Message from ED:

DEAR VISITOR: Welcome to HDT website. We are privileged to have you visiting our website and our work on line. We sincerely hope that you will find our work inspiring and thus contribute your ideas, advice or resources for improvement. We are committed to measure Return On Investment (ROI), and focusing on results. As local NGO, we want to set standards for being accountable to the resources we get from donors, encouraging communities to be responsible and together holding the government accountable. Join us to achieve this nobble vision for maternal and child health…….!

Peter Bujari MD, MBA. Executive Director.

    Our Impact in numbers

    0 M+

    Health Promotion Community

    $ 0 M+

    Health Financing


    Health Promotion schools


    Institutional Capacity Strengthening


    Frequency of engaging Ministries


    Community Score Card (CSC)

    We've Worked with

    Tanzania is positioning to tackle TB in its multisectoral nature to end TB by 2030

    Dodoma: On 11th November 2022, Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT), which also serves as the secretariat of the Tanzania Stop TB Partnership, met the Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for Policies, Parliamentary Affairs and Coordination, Honorable George Simbachawene, the Deputy Minister READ MORE

    Global Fund 7th replenishment #FightForWhatCounts Ceating a critical mass of advocates and momentum for gfatm 7th replenishmentcrowne plaza hotel, dar es salaam – tanzania: 15th september 2022


    Maternal Health Sustainability Assessment Kigoma

    United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO) READ MORE

    Health Promotion Tanzania at glance-The link and the Voice!

    We are the link. Being an organization that values a human centered approach, Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) takes pride in its role as “The Link” between communities and health facilities. Our function as the link emerges because there is often a weak link or no between health facilities and communities and sometimes suspicious relationship. We therefore commit to build these damaged building blocks to endure service utilization is increased, quality of services is improved and both communities and health facilities are accountable. READ MORE

    We are committed to measure Return On Investment (ROI), and focusing on results.


    A responsible and Healthy society



    To use Result based – human centered approaches to design and implement innovative Community and national level-based health related interventions that impact on maternal, newborn, child health and youth


    Message from ED:

    DEAR VISITOR: Welcome to HDT website. We are privileged to have you visiting our website and our work on line. We sincerely hope that you will find our work inspiring and thus contribute your ideas, advice or resources for improvement. We are committed to measure Return On Investment (ROI), and focusing on results. As local NGO, we want to set standards for being accountable to the resources we get from donors, encouraging communities to be responsible and together holding the government accountable. Join us to achieve this nobble vision for maternal and child health…….!

    Peter Bujari MD, MBA. Executive Director.
      News and Updates

      Dr. Peter Bujari hosted Madam Nabeeha Kazi Hutchins - President of PAI during her visit at HDT HQ April 2024
