Service Delivery

In the last nine years, this area started as community development and later was renames Service delivery as all interventions aimed at community development. HDT worked to support most vulnerable children though their families, school and out of school reproductive health and HIV projects. The other project is community based HIV prevention, care and stigma reduction. Below is a summary of cumulative results per project in community development.

1.  6,692 community members were reached through theater for development whereby 104 people voluntarily tested for HIV;

2.  310 peer educators were trained and 3,110 pupils were reached through the peer educators to communicate HIV testing and stigma reduction messages;

3.  1,857 most vulnerable children were supported with scholastic materials whereby 64% have improved their school performance from a range of 17-50% to 60-98%;

4.  Among 606 PLHIV who received nutrition support 92.4% increased weight and 95.8% reduced frequency of illness;

5.  401 have established support groups which provide psychosocial support. Among them 33% disclose their HIV status which indicated improved self-esteem;
6.  294 MVC caring families were supported to establish income generating activities,  85% are implementing their activities well and livelihood has improved;

7.  60 Community Home Based Care (HBC) providers were trained and provided with HBC in Ngara, Biharamulo, Rungwe and Kyela districts; 1,211 people have been reached with services by CHBC providers whereby increase of 64% is recorded on average in Mbeya and Kagera.

8.  One VCT center in Tukuyu and one dispensary in Ngara were constructed and linked to community volunteers who were trained to support health facility in provision of services.