Summary of past performance

HDT in its past nine years (2004 – 2012) has been working under three pillars namely Policy Advocacy, Capacity Building and Service Delivery. The following achievements have been made under each pillar.

Previous Achievement

Policy Advocacy

HDT’s experience and capacity in policy advocacy has been increasing and enriched with a number of tools enriched and our networking has increased. Our outstanding results in this pillar include:

Capacity Building

This program has expanded from one off training in 2005 into systematic and focused interventions ranging from capacity assessment, training, mentoring, granting and verifying use of knowledge, skills and financing. Some of mentoring organizations did not require capacity assessment because they were based on HIV work place program. The following achievements have been noted:

Service Delivery

In the last nine years, this area started as community development and later was renames Service delivery as all interventions aimed at community development. HDT worked to support most vulnerable children though their families, school and out of school reproductive health and HIV projects. The other project is community based HIV prevention, care and stigma reduction. Below is a summary of cumulative results per project in community development.