FUNDED BY: Population Action International (PAI)
The Global Financing Facility is a financing mechanism that comprises a loan and grants from different donors given to the government to end preventable maternal and child deaths. GFF offers a forum for dialogues around RMNCAH&N in the country with one of its main objectives being Civil Society Organization to be fully engaged in seeking for and enhancing RMNCAH&N accountability.
As part of Civil Society Engagement; Health Promotion Tanzania provides the secretariat for CSO – GFF Coordinating Group to ensure CSO engagement where donors and the Government are held accountable for the improvement of RMNCAH&N in Tanzania.
This is a one-year project, being in effect from July 2023. It seeks to Strengthen the capacities and engagement of CSO in the GFF national steering committees and Health Facility Governance Committee (HFGC) to ensure responsibility and accountability for results in Tanzania.
The project objectives (i) Orient identified Civil Society Organizations on GFF architecture, operation modality, priorities, and accountability mechanisms, (ii) Advocate for the inclusion of Civil Society Organizations and Youth in the National Steering Committee of the GFF, and Health Facility Governance Committee, and (iii) Analyze the quarterly performance of DHIS2 and make sure that the data are shared and used for decision-making. |
HDT Targets to use the Smart advocacy strategy to achieve the project objectives, by working with the Permanent Secretary and World Bank to ask for CSOs’ inclusion in the GFFs structure, design ways to work with, and support respective local community-based organizations in monitoring and accountability for results. HDT will take the lead in the development of a simplified version of PAD to orient CSOs on GFF architecture, operation modality, priorities, and accountability mechanisms in Tanzania as well as to analyze the quarterly performance of DHIS2 data and hold meetings with RMNCAH&N implementing partners to disseminate GFF performance. Finally, we will also take part in the quarterly National Steering Committee meeting.r
Health Promotion Tanzania(HDT) is a local NGO affiliated with Action Global Health Partnership. We focus on Disease of poverty i.e. TB, HIV and all issues that affect RNCAH+N
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