Action Africa galvanized Investment for a TB-free Africa by 2030

Action Africa galvanized Investment for a TB-free Africa by 2030 Action Africa galvanized Investment for a TB-free Africa by 2030 “Head of states, head of government, non government institutions and donors need to unite and prioritize investment now to end TB by 2023; we can not wait any longer”…. Dr. Peter Bujari – Chair of… Continue reading Action Africa galvanized Investment for a TB-free Africa by 2030

A brief on rmncah score card 7th december 2023

A brief on rmncah score card 7th december 2023 Improve the quality of health-care services, with a focus on reproductive, maternal, newborn, children and adolescent health in all regions: leaving no one behind INTRODUCTION The 2022 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey indicated a drop from 556 maternal deaths in every 100,000… Continue reading A brief on rmncah score card 7th december 2023

Global Financing Facility (GFF)

Global Financing Facility (GFF) FUNDED BY: Population Action International (PAI) The Global Financing Facility is a financing mechanism that comprises a loan and grants from different donors given to the government to end preventable maternal and child deaths. GFF offers a forum for dialogues around RMNCAH&N in the country with one of its main objectives… Continue reading Global Financing Facility (GFF)

Maternal Health Sustainability Assessment Kigoma

Maternal Health Sustainability Assessment Kigoma FUNDED BY: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO) Health Promotion Tanzania is implementing a three year Maternal Health Sustainability Assessment project in Kigoma region in partnership with CDC Foundation, Ministry of Health and PORALG. CDC Foundation,… Continue reading Maternal Health Sustainability Assessment Kigoma

Advance Family Planning

Advance Family Planning FUNDED BY: Johns hopkins center for communication programs Since 2012, Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) has been a lead implementing partner of Advance Family Planning (AFP) project, ( an initiative working in 10 countries working to achieve the FP2020 goal by providing decision-makers with evidence that family planning is a sound investment for… Continue reading Advance Family Planning

ACTION Advocacy Partnership

ACTION Advocacy Partnership FUNDED BY: Result Education Fund USA HDT is member of the Global Health Advocacy Partnership (ACTION), a coalition that seeks to is to influence global health policy from the ground and mobilize resources to fight diseases of poverty and achieve equitable access to health. ACTION is committed to creating strong, diverse, equitable,… Continue reading ACTION Advocacy Partnership

Afya Yangu –RMNHCAH

Afya Yangu RMNCAH FUNDED BY: This a 5-year project, starting in 2022 that seeks to improve health outcomes for women and adolescents in the Geita District, Geita region, through increased demand and use of quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescents Health (RMNCAH) services. Among the project objectives include to (i) Increase number of women… Continue reading Afya Yangu –RMNHCAH

Afya Yangu – HIV/TB/FP Northern zone

Afya Yangu – HIV/TB/FP Northern zone FUNDED BY: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Foundation (EGPAF) HDT is supporting the Afya Yangu Northern zone project through one of its Consortium members, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Foundation (EGPAF), Tanzania country office. Through this partnership, HDT is working with Matchboxology of… Continue reading Afya Yangu – HIV/TB/FP Northern zone