Afya Yangu RMNCAH


This a 5-year project, starting in 2022 that seeks to improve health outcomes for women and adolescents in the Geita District, Geita region, through increased demand and use of quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescents Health (RMNCAH) services.

Among the project objectives include to (i) Increase number of women and young people attending to health facilities for RMNCAH services (ii) Increasing number of young people accessing youth friendly services (iii) Increasing number of women attending antenatal care clinics (iv) Increasing number of health facility deliveries and (v) Reduced community gender-based violence

Field activities to achieve the project objectives include (a) Identifying and training Community Health Workers (CHW) (b) Conducting community registers for youth, pregnant women, and under-five children (c) CHW visiting selected households (d) Running community educational radio programs, etc

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